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Airway Enhancement

For growing children, early intervention prevents future development of sleep apnea. Many parents might not know that an appropriate orthodontic treatment can improve their children’s airway.  Below are pre and post airway evaluations from an actual teenage patient Dr. Grace treated.

"Bucked Teeth" correction
X-ray reading of airway

Case 1: Normal Airway development in a growing child followed by excessive over-jet and deep-bite correction

open-bite correction
X-ray reading of airway

Adult patients often seek orthodontic treatment for crowding and bite correction. They are pleasantly surprised that good orthodontic treatment "kills two birds with one stone," resolving airway issues as well.  Below are pre and post airway evaluations from an actual adult patient Dr. Grace treated.

Case 2:  Airway improvement in an adult followed by orthodontic open-bite correction

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