What is orthodontic facial growth therapy?(buck teeth treatment)
Orthodontic facial growth therapy (interceptive orthodontic treatment) typically occurs between 7-9 years of age, during the mixed dentition phase, when patients begin to lose their baby teeth. The American Association of orthodontists recommends that all children get a check-up with an orthodontist no later than 7 years old.
What does facial growth therapy do?
The goal of facial growth therapy is to provide excellent jawbone therapy which redirects undesired facial growth, such as excessive overjet (Bucked Teeth), underbite (lower front teeth cover upper front teeth). Facial growth therapy can help achieve adequate airway to reduce the risk of developing Sleep Apnea in the future.
Why is facial growth therapy important?
Facial growth therapy focuses on the foundation of our teeth, facial bone. Pre-teen is the best age to redirect undesired facial growth because the maturation and density of bone at this age allow us to modify. Our teeth grow from our jawbone which is the underling structure. Setting the foundation/underlining structure in a correct format is the only way to help your children gain stable facial aesthetics. Furthermore, upper and lower jaw bones are connected with adjacent facial bone structure. That's the reason why a good orthodontics treatment not only straighten the teeth, but also accelerate most desired facial growth.
The difference between facial growth therapy and Phase Two orthodontics treatment.
Facial growth therapy concentrates on establishing a great underlining structure. Once the foundation is set up correct, Phase Two treatment is the final touch on teeth to resolve some crowding and settle the occlusion which leads to long lasting results without significant relapse.
Why choose Dr. Grace to provide facial growth therapy treatment?
Dr. Grace had an extensive training on Human Facial Growth at CWRU (Case Western Reserve University). She also serves as a faculty member at Bolton-Brush Growth Study Center at CWRU which is one the most prestigious Human Facial Growth centers in the whole world. The extensive training provides Dr. Grace a unique background of providing an excellent facial growth therapy. When to intervene and how to intervene is all from evidence-based research and clinical application in the past almost 100 years at Bolton-Brush Growth Center.
